パソコン活用研究5番街(Visual Basic、Excel(VBA)、BASIC プログラミング研究)





使えるのは加算と乗算だけです。一応( )は使えます。



token型構造体として、tok(), stack()をグローバル変数として宣言しています。

Enum typeにstateを追加しています。



Imports System

Module Program
    REM    Public num_token As Integer
    Public err, cnt As Integer

    Enum type

    End Enum

    Structure token
        Dim type As type
        Dim str As String
        Dim v As Double
    End Structure

    Public tok(30), stack(30) As token

    Sub Main(args As String())
        Dim i, j, pos, isnum, rp, lp As Integer
        Dim value As Double
        Dim r As type
        Dim statement, stck, calclist(20) As String

        REM     num_token = 0
        err = 0 : rp = 0 : lp = 0

        statement = Console.ReadLine()

        For i = 0 To statement.Length - 1
            Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", i, statement.Chars(i))

        pos = 0 : isnum = 0
        For i = 0 To statement.Length - 1
                r = checktype(statement.Chars(i))
                If (isnum = 0 Or isnum = 5) And r = type.space Then GoTo L1 : 
                If (isnum = 1 Or isnum = 3) And r = type.space Then isnum = 5 : GoTo L1 : 
                If r = type.bad Then Console.WriteLine("{0}:Bad character", i) : tok(pos).str = tok(pos).str + statement.Chars(i) : tok(pos).type = type.bad : err = 1 : Exit For
                If (isnum = 1 Or isnum = 3) And r = type.number Then tok(pos).str = tok(pos).str + statement.Chars(i) : tok(pos).v = Double.Parse(tok(pos).str) : GoTo L1
                If isnum = 1 And r = type.dot Then tok(pos).str = tok(pos).str + statement.Chars(i) : isnum = 2 : GoTo L1
                If (isnum = 1 Or isnum = 3 Or isnum = 5) And r = type.rparen Then rp = rp + 1 : pos = pos + 1 : tok(pos).str = statement.Chars(i) : tok(pos).type = r : isnum = 5 : GoTo L1
                If (isnum = 1 Or isnum = 3 Or isnum = 5) And (r = type.add_op Or r = type.sub_op Or r = type.mul_op Or r = type.div_op Or r = type.pow_op) Then pos = pos + 1 : tok(pos).str = statement.Chars(i) : tok(pos).type = r : pos = pos + 1 : tok(pos).type = type.bad : isnum = 0 : GoTo L1
                If isnum = 2 And r = type.number Then tok(pos).str = tok(pos).str + statement.Chars(i) : tok(pos).v = Double.Parse(tok(pos).str) : isnum = 3 : GoTo L1
                If isnum = 2 And r <> type.number Then err = 1 : Console.WriteLine("{0}: Bad expression", i) : Exit For
                If isnum = 3 And r = type.dot Then err = 1 : Console.WriteLine("{0}: too many dot", i) : tok(pos).type = type.bad : Exit For
                If isnum = 0 And r = type.lparen Then lp = lp + 1 : tok(pos).str = tok(pos).str + statement.Chars(i) : tok(pos).type = r : pos = pos + 1 : GoTo L1
                If isnum = 0 And r = type.number Then tok(pos).str = tok(pos).str + statement.Chars(i) : tok(pos).type = type.number : tok(pos).v = Integer.Parse(tok(pos).str) : isnum = 1 : GoTo L1
                If isnum = 0 And r = type.sub_op Then tok(pos).str = tok(pos).str + statement.Chars(i) : tok(pos).type = type.number : isnum = 1 : GoTo L1
                Console.WriteLine("{0}:Bad expression", i) : tok(pos).str = tok(pos).str + statement.Chars(i) : tok(pos).type = type.bad : err = 1 : Exit For
            Catch ex As System.FormatException
                ' (0)0のような表現で")0"がSystem.FormatExceptionを引きおこすが、rparenの処理後isnum=5にすることで解消できる。tok(pos).v = Integer.Parse(tok(pos).str)が")0"という表現を整数型にパースできないため
                err = 1
                Exit For
            End Try
L1:         If lp < rp Then Console.WriteLine("too many rparen") : err = 1 : Exit For

        If lp <> rp Then Console.WriteLine("The number of parentheses does not match.") : err = 1
        tok(pos + 1).type = type.line_end
        tok(pos + 1).str = "$"
        For i = 0 To pos + 1

            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} : {2} : {3}", i, tok(i).str, tok(i).type, tok(i).v)

        If err = 1 Then Console.WriteLine("This is a bad expression") : GoTo L3

stack 姉妹サイト構文解析(上昇解析)の解析表のスタックに該当するものです。token型の構造体なので、メンバ変数としてtype,str,vを

LR解析表を2次元の配列にしたりすると、LR解析表を使っている感がよくでてくると思いますが、ここではLR解析表の内容をSelect Caseとif文で
stckの値により、Select Caseで場合分けしていますが、これがLR解析表の状態に該当します。
シフトの処理、還元の処理はそれぞれ関数shufy(), reduce()を呼んで処理しています。

よってcnt=cnt-reduce() は還元処理後のstackのtopを示すことになります。



        stack(0).type = type.state : stack(0).str = "0"
        stck = stack(0).str
        ' cntはstackのtop iは読み込んでいるtokのindex
        i = 0
        cnt = 0
        '        Console.ReadLine()

        While (1)
            For j = 0 To cnt
                Console.Write("{0}", stack(j).str)

            Console.WriteLine("  : {0}", tok(i).str)
            '           Console.ReadLine()
            Select Case stck
            Case "0"
                    If tok(i).type = type.number Then i = shift(i, "5") : stck = "5" : Console.WriteLine("s5") : Continue While
                    If tok(i).type = type.lparen Then i = shift(i, "4") : stck = "4" : Console.WriteLine("s4") : Continue While
                Case "1"
                    If tok(i).type = type.add_op Then i = shift(i, "6") : stck = "6" : Console.WriteLine("s6") : Continue While
                    If tok(i).type = type.line_end Then Exit While
                Case "2"
                    If tok(i).type = type.add_op Then Console.WriteLine("r2") : cnt = cnt - reduce(cnt, 2) : stck = goto_table(cnt) : cnt = cnt + 1 : stack(cnt).type = type.state : stack(cnt).str = stck : Continue While
                    If tok(i).type = type.mul_op Then i = shift(i, "7") : stck = "7" : Console.WriteLine("s7") : Continue While
                    If tok(i).type = type.rparen Then Console.WriteLine("r2") : cnt = cnt - reduce(cnt, 2) : stck = goto_table(cnt) : cnt = cnt + 1 : stack(cnt).type = type.state : stack(cnt).str = stck : Continue While
                    If tok(i).type = type.line_end Then Console.WriteLine("r2") : cnt = cnt - reduce(cnt, 2) : stck = goto_table(cnt) : cnt = cnt + 1 : stack(cnt).type = type.state : stack(cnt).str = stck : Continue While
                Case 3
                    If (tok(i).type = type.add_op) Or (tok(i).type = type.mul_op) Or (tok(i).type = type.rparen) Or (tok(i).type = type.line_end) Then Console.WriteLine("r4") : cnt = cnt - reduce(cnt, 4) : stck = goto_table(cnt) : cnt = cnt + 1 : stack(cnt).type = type.state : stack(cnt).str = stck : Continue While
                Case 4
                    If tok(i).type = type.number Then i = shift(i, "5") : stck = "5" : Console.WriteLine("s5") : Continue While
                    If tok(i).type = type.lparen Then i = shift(i, "4") : stck = "4" : Console.WriteLine("s4") : Continue While
                Case 5
                    If tok(i).type = type.number Then i = shift(i, "5") : stck = "5" : Console.WriteLine("s5") : Continue While
                    If (tok(i).type = type.add_op) Or (tok(i).type = type.mul_op) Or (tok(i).type = type.rparen) Or (tok(i).type = type.line_end) Then Console.WriteLine("r6") : cnt = cnt - reduce(cnt, 6) : stck = goto_table(cnt) : cnt = cnt + 1 : stack(cnt).type = type.state : stack(cnt).str = stck : Continue While
                Case 6
                    If tok(i).type = type.number Then i = shift(i, "5") : stck = "5" : Console.WriteLine("s5") : Continue While
                    If tok(i).type = type.lparen Then i = shift(i, "4") : stck = "4" : Console.WriteLine("s4") : Continue While
                Case 7
                    If tok(i).type = type.number Then i = shift(i, "5") : stck = "5" : Console.WriteLine("s5") : Continue While
                    If tok(i).type = type.lparen Then i = shift(i, "4") : stck = "4" : Console.WriteLine("s4") : Continue While
                Case 8
                    If tok(i).type = type.add_op Then i = shift(i, "6") : stck = "6" : Console.WriteLine("s6") : Continue While
                    If tok(i).type = type.rparen Then i = shift(i, "11") : stck = "11" : Console.WriteLine("s11") : Continue While
                Case 9
                    If (tok(i).type = type.add_op) Or (tok(i).type = type.rparen) Or (tok(i).type = type.line_end) Then Console.WriteLine("r1") : cnt = cnt - reduce(cnt, 1) : stck = goto_table(cnt) : cnt = cnt + 1 : stack(cnt).type = type.state : stack(cnt).str = stck : Continue While
                    If tok(i).type = type.mul_op Then i = shift(i, "7") : stck = "7" : Console.WriteLine("s7") : Continue While
                Case 10
                    If (tok(i).type = type.add_op) Or (tok(i).type = type.mul_op) Or (tok(i).type = type.rparen) Or (tok(i).type = type.line_end) Then Console.WriteLine("r3") : cnt = cnt - reduce(cnt, 3) : stck = goto_table(cnt) : cnt = cnt + 1 : stack(cnt).type = type.state : stack(cnt).str = stck : Continue While
                Case 11
                    If (tok(i).type = type.add_op) Or (tok(i).type = type.mul_op) Or (tok(i).type = type.rparen) Or (tok(i).type = type.line_end) Then Console.WriteLine("r5") : cnt = cnt - reduce(cnt, 5) : stck = goto_table(cnt) : cnt = cnt + 1 : stack(cnt).type = type.state : stack(cnt).str = stck : Continue While
            End Select
        End While

        If (err Mod 10) = 1 Then Console.WriteLine("Error on tokenization") : GoTo L3
        If err >= 10 Then Console.WriteLine("Error on calculation") : GoTo L3
        If lp <> rp Then Console.WriteLine("The number of parentheses does not match.") : GoTo L3

        value = stack(1).v

        Console.WriteLine("value: {0}", value)

関数shift() と関数reduce()

cnt = cnt + 1 : stack(cnt) = tok(i)

If stack(cnt).type = type.number Then stack(cnt).str = "n"

i = i + 1 : cnt = cnt + 1 : stack(cnt).type = type.state : stack(cnt).str = r

 Function shift(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal r As String) As Integer
        cnt = cnt + 1 : stack(cnt) = tok(i)
        If stack(cnt).type = type.number Then stack(cnt).str = "n"
        i = i + 1 : cnt = cnt + 1 : stack(cnt).type = type.state : stack(cnt).str = r

        Return i
    End Function

    Function reduce(ByVal cnt As Integer, ByVal r As Integer) As Integer
        Dim v As Double
        Select Case r
            Case 1
                v = stack(cnt - 5).v + stack(cnt - 1).v
                stack(cnt - 5).v = v
                cnt = cnt - 5
                Return 5
            Case 2
                stack(cnt - 1).str = "E"
                cnt = cnt - 1
                Return 1
            Case 3
                v = stack(cnt - 5).v * stack(cnt - 1).v
                stack(cnt - 5).v = v
                cnt = cnt - 5
                Return 5
            Case 4
                stack(cnt - 1).str = "T"
                cnt = cnt - 1
                Return 1
            Case 5
                v = stack(cnt - 3).v
                stack(cnt - 5).str = "F"
                stack(cnt - 5).v = v
                stack(cnt - 5).type = type.number
                Return 5
            Case 6
                stack(cnt - 1).str = "F"
                cnt = cnt - 1
                Return 1

        End Select
    End Function


r 還元された後のスタックにある状態

Function goto_table(ByVal cnt As Integer) As String
        Dim r As String
        r = stack(cnt - 1).str
        Select Case r
            Case "0"
                If stack(cnt).str = "E" Then r = "1"
                If stack(cnt).str = "T" Then r = "2"
                If stack(cnt).str = "F" Then r = "3"
            Case "4"
                If stack(cnt).str = "E" Then r = "8"
                If stack(cnt).str = "T" Then r = "2"
                If stack(cnt).str = "F" Then r = "3"
            Case "6"
                If stack(cnt).str = "T" Then r = "9"
                If stack(cnt).str = "F" Then r = "3"
            Case "7"
                If stack(cnt).str = "F" Then r = "10"
        End Select
        Console.WriteLine("goto ->{0} ", r)
        Return r

    End Function

字句解析のための関数checktype() とEnd Module

最後の1行はこのモジュールの終了をあらわすEnd Module

    Function checktype(ByVal t As String) As Integer
        If IsNumeric(t) = True Then Return type.number
        If t = "." Then Return type.dot
        If t = "+" Then Return type.add_op
        If t = "-" Then Return type.sub_op
        If t = "*" Then Return type.mul_op
        If t = "/" Then Return type.div_op
        If t = "^" Then Return type.pow_op
        If t = "(" Then Return type.lparen
        If t = ")" Then Return type.rparen
        If t = " " Then Return type.space
        Return type.bad

    End Function

End Module

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